Each week we highlight essential legislative and policy conversations affecting agriculture nationwide. Host Sabrina Halvorson is a 30-year media veteran known nationally for her award-winning, balanced, and accurate reporting. For more than 10 years, she has specialized in agriculture news focused on political issues. While most agriculture news podcasts focus primarily on Midwest crops, we uniquely understand specialty crops, their regions, and their related industries. AgNet Weekly also traverses the legislative issues of the livestock industry and other matters related to California and Southeast agriculture.
Saturday Dec 16, 2023
December 16, 2023 - USDA Assistance for Distressed Borrowers
Saturday Dec 16, 2023
Saturday Dec 16, 2023
The deadline is fast approaching for farmers who have done everything they can and simply remain behind on their loans, and want some help. The Inflation Reduction Act provided more than $3 billion for USDA to provide relief for distressed borrowers with certain Farm Service Agency (FSA) direct and guaranteed loans and to expedite assistance for those whose agricultural operations are at financial risk. But the deadline to apply is in less than two weeks. Host Sabrina Halvorson talks with USDA Deputy Secretary Xochitl Torres Small and USDA Farm Service Agency Administrator Zach Ducheneaux to get more details.